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CLIP 001   The Floor Years - Elam Blackman  

CLIP 002   Speck - Alexa Woodward

CLIP 003   BlackWater EP - Raina Rose

CLIP 004   Fifty Miles Into The Main - Some Say Leland

CLIP 005   When May Come - Raina Rose

CLIP 006   The Well's Ringing Well EP - Elam Blackman 

CLIP 007   Bootlegs - Alexa Woodward

CLIP 008   All The Walls Are Windows - Hunter Paye 

CLIP 009V  Wake EP - Some Say Leland

CLIP 010   Field Recordings Vol 1 EP - Some Say Leland 

CLIP 011   It's A Good Life Honey If You Don't Grow Weary                - Alexa Woodward 

CLIP 012   Disappear - J Wagner

CLIP 013   Burning Heart: songs for the gulf -  VA

CLIP 015V  Friend - Elam Blackman

CLIP 016   Jump With A Child's Heart - Annie Crane

CLIP 017   Gilding the Lilies - Dave Dersham

CLIP 018   Currency Of Poetry - Gabrielle Papillon

CLIP 019   Corsair - Marc Brenton

CLIP 020   Live From A Volcano - Buck Meek

CLIP 021   Crispy Watkins And The Baby Heart String Band

CLIP 022   Might Nigh - Alexa Woodward

CLIP 023   The Runaway Kid - J Wagner

CLIP 024   The Sun in Splendor -  Justin Purtill

CLIP 025   Construction, Demolition - Kendra Kinsey

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